Welcome to our Parish in The Diocese of Ossory
The people of St John's Parish show a great pride in our Churches and parish and we hope to continue the excellent work of our predecessors and the various organisations and committees within the parish.
If you contribute to the life of the parish by attending Mass and other celebrations, give your time and talents as a volunteer in one of the many lay ministries and/or provide financial support. We would like to offer our sincere thanks and encourage you to continue to be part of our parish family as it grows and develops.
Mass Times
Church of St John The Evangelist, Kilkenny

Saturday Vigil | 6.00pm |
Sunday |
8.00am 11.30am 7.00pm |
Monday - Friday |
8.00am 10.30am |
Saturday/Bank Holiday | 10.30am |
Holy Day Masses |
Vigil 6.00pm 8.00am 10.30am 7.00pm |
Church of Most Holy Trinity, Dunmore

Sunday | 11.00am |
Christmas Day & St Patrick's Day | Mass at Sunday time. |
Church of John The Baptist, Johnswell

Sunday | 10.00am |
Christmas Day & St Patrick's Day | Mass at Sunday time. |
Talk on the Work of Trócaire in Our World Today
Pope Francis’s message for ‘our Lenten journey’
Pope Francis’s message for this year’s Lenten Season has been released by the Vatican. Dated 6th February, the message was written the week before the Holy Father was admitted into hospital on 14th February. Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2025
Monastic Experience Day
Christmas Mass Schedule in St. John’s Parish 2024
Christmas Mass Schedule in St. John’s Parish 2024
Our Masses over the Christmas will be as follows:
Monday, 23rd December
St John’s: 8.00am and 10.30am
Tuesday Morning, 24th December
St John’s: No Mass