Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection

St. John's Church , Ireland

Join us in St. John's Church on this Holy Saturday evening as we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord.  Vigil begins at 9.00pm. Masses will be at the usual times on Easter Sunday.

Dunmore Cemetery Mass

The annual Mass at Dunmore Cemetery will be celebrated on Friday, 7th July 2023 at 7.30pm.  All welcome.

Johnswell Cemetery Mass

The annual Mass at Johnswell Cemetery will be celebrated on Friday, 7th July 2023 at 7.30pm.  All welcome.

St John’s Parish Pilgrimage to Knock

Join us on our Parish Pilgrimage to Knock on Monday, 21st August - the anniversary of the apparitions.  Coach  leaves St. John’s at 7.15am with a stop for breakfast on the way and for dinner on the return journey. The cost is €20 per person for the coach and your place must be purchased from […]

Visit of the Relics of St. Bernadette

Relics of St. Bernadette in Kilkenny The Relics of Saint Bernadette will visit the Diocese of Ossory on next Saturday, 21st and Sunday, 22nd September. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to honour the little girl from Lourdes who received 18 visits from Our Lady in 1858. The official timetable is as follows, but […]

Mission Sunday 2024

World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls on the second last Sunday in October, meaning this year it will be celebrated over the weekend of Sunday 20th October.

Five Minutes to Live

St. John's Church , Ireland

On Friday 28th February at 7.30p in St. John's Church, parishioner Sean Colgan will speak of his near-death experience, of how prayer and the power of almighty God played a major role in his survival and how he was given a second chance in life; the power and importance of prayer in all our lives; […]