Annual Mass at St. Kieran’s Cemetery – TRANSFERRED TO CHURCH
St. Kieran's Cemetery, Kilkenny Hebron Road, Kilkenny, IrelandBecause of expected weather conditions this Mass will now be celebrated in St. John's Church at 7.30pm. We look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well, the annual Mass will be celebrated in St. Kieran’s Cemetery at 7.30pm on Friday, 24th June […]
Annual Cemetery Mass at Johnswell and Dunmore
We look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well, the Masses will be celebrated in Johnswell and Dunmore Cemeteries at 7.30pm on Friday, 4th July 2022.
Month’s Mind Mass for Fr. Lorcan Moran
St. John's Church , IrelandThe Month's Mind Mass for Fr. Lorcan will be celebrated at St. John's Church at 7.30pm on Friday, 9th September 2022. All are welcome.
Remembrance Mass for those who died during the past year
St. John's Church , IrelandWe are currently planning our Remembrance Mass for those of our parishioners who died during the past year. We will be inviting relatives and friends to join us in St. John’s Church at 7.30pm on Thursday, 17th November when we will call to mind in prayer those who have died during the past twelve months. […]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. John's Church , IrelandWe are reintroducing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays between 11.00am and 1.00pm. All welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. John's Church , IrelandWe are reintroducing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays between 11.00am and 1.00pm. All welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. John's Church , IrelandWe are reintroducing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays between 11.00am and 1.00pm. All welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. John's Church , IrelandWe are reintroducing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays between 11.00am and 1.00pm. All welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. John's Church , IrelandWe are reintroducing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays between 11.00am and 1.00pm. All welcome.
Christmas Eve Masses
Masses on Christmas Eve No morning Masses St. John's Church 6.00pm Dunmore Church 7.00pm Johnswell Church 8.00pm St. John's Church 9.00pm